All good things must come to an end.  The seasons do change and as leaders we have to be prepared to lead the charge in shifting gears and moving on to the next challenge/opportunity.  Finishing strong is critical.  Doing so brings peace and encourages closure.  One thing about all the little doo-dads and knick-knacks from Christmas is that they are all fragile.  In order to enjoy them again next year we must carefully pack them away so that they are not damaged or crushed.  I remember my mother, when I was little, carefully and tenderly, individually wrapping her most delicate Christmas ornaments to ensure that they would be protected.  We enjoyed those ornaments on the tree year after year due to her care and concern for them.  People too, are fragile, like ornaments.  When its time for a team to shift gears we must be careful with what is fragile.  Perhaps the make up of the team is changing.  Some people are being cycled off the project while others are being added on.  Be careful how you discharge a person from their duties.  You may have to add them back in on another project.  Be considerate of feelings and sensitivities as you shift to a new phase.  The next time you need them they’ll be whole and not broken.