Leadership Freak

The enemy of success is isolation. The higher you go the easier isolation becomes, but, it’s a devastating problem at all levels of leadership.


Isolated leaders fear conspiracies and feel misunderstood. Worse yet, ivory-tower leaders resort to control through authority.

Us/them thinking destroys influence.

Defeat isolation and enhance success by developing a high-power inner circle.


Don’t take volunteers. Choose your inner circle.

Three people are enough. Six is too many and two is too few. You need a:

  1. Visionary who is never satisfied.
  2. Tender-heart who nurtures people.
  3. Doer who is fanatical about execution.

Note: Include at least one old and one young.


  1. Hard working. Doers trump thinkers.
  2. Strong opinions and emotions. Lapdogs feel good but won’t take you far.
  3. Unflinching alignment with organizational values.
  4. Comfort saying no. Good manners are nice but not essential.
  5. Dedication to serve the organization before serving themselves.
  6. Strength to confront brutal facts.

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