Linked 2 Leadership

Core Values

Everyone knows we should have core values, yet the litany of disasters where companies and people failed to live up to their own core values grows yearly. Public cynicism is understandable given so many organisations claim laudable core values but their behaviour screams “we don’t care about them.

Don’t get me wrong: Profit is fine, but don’t hide behind a mission that is fake.

Culture and Core Values

The culture/core values relationship is at the centre of everything. Complex reasons lie behind core value misalignments.

They include:

1) Fundamental misunderstanding of the worth of core values.

Steve Jobs understood the need to identify, understand and live by core values. The two phases of Apple’s outstanding success under his leadership happened when they aligned their core values and actions.

2) Failure to exercise and embed core values in everything we do.

The complex dynamics of a disconnect between…

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