Blanchard LeaderChat

Complicated DrawingWe tend to over-complicate things in life, and when it comes to defining what successful leadership looks like, we  really really , over-complicate it. Much of what constitutes leadership success comes down to common sense, but unfortunately it’s not always common practice.

Searching the shelves of your local bookstore (do those still exist?) or doing a search on would lead you to believe that to be a successful leader you’ll need to discover the keys, take the right steps, obey the laws, figure out the dysfunctions, embrace the challenge, ascend the levels, look within yourself, look outside yourself, form a tribe, develop the right habits, know the rules, break the rules, be obsessed, take control, let go of control, learn the new science, or discover the ancient wisdom. Did I say we like to over-complicate things?

I don’t think leadership should be that complicated. If you’re looking for…

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